The director of Netflix horror The Deliverance has revealed stories of real-life horror happenings from the film’s set. Starring Glenn Close, the Lee Daniels-directed flick follows a family living in Indiana who become convinced their house is a portal to hell after a series of demonic occurrences. When the cameras stopped rolling, however, Daniels was gravely concerned that the spooky events would continue, so much so that he organised prayer circles to prevent anything from happening.

In a new interview, the filmmaker told Sirius XM: ‘Things happen, and I was not gonna let things happen on my set, and also I needed it for me.’ The prayer circles weren’t a fail-safe, though. ‘Even with that, there were still things that happened on the set that was – my sister is in every movie that I’ve ever done as my good luck charm, and she was in the scene with Glenn in the chemo scene, and she’s the one that sort of gave her attitude in the chemo scene,’ Daniels explained.

‘And two days later, after being in the chemo scene, she was diagnosed with lung cancer – literally. My dog died on the set.’ But it didn’t end there as, American actress and comedian Mo’Nique, who plays a social worker in the movie, was hospitalised after filming one scene.

She recalled: ‘Mr Daniels had me doing a scene, ok? And we’re outside. It was just, the demon was supposed to be on top of the building, so they kept blowing this..

. I mean, at one point I’m like, “Lee, do we h.