Janardhan Chikkanna, known for his acclaimed cyber-thriller , is finally set to release his second film after a five-year hiatus. Shifting gears from sci-fi, Chikkanna returns with , a full-fledged comedy thriller. Despite making a name for himself, it took time for Janardhan to land his next project.

“I want my films to have meaningful content, not just commercial appeal. Finding the right project took a while. Although I received many offers, I wasn’t given the creative freedom I was looking for.

Some projects didn’t materialise, and I didn’t want to direct just for the sake of it,” explains the director, who let go of 4 to 5 projects. He further shares, “Cinema is a business, but you should be proud of your work and the art form. When you look back, it’s important to feel satisfied with what you’ve created.

” With his previous film, completed and awaiting release, Janardhan Chikkanna is now excited about , which is all set to hit theaters on August 23. Janardhan shares how came together, explaining that his primary goal was to collaborate with KRG Studios, which has also partnered with TVF on this project. “I wanted to work with producers Karthik Gowda and Yogi G Raj.

We had been in discussions intermittently for a couple of years, and that’s how this project materialised,” he says. As a talented writer himself, Janardhan chose to direct Powder from a story penned by Deepak Venkateshan. “In 2020, I pitched a film to Karthik, but it wasn’t the rig.