No matter how difficult the situation is, how strong the enemy is, and how adverse the environment is, diplomacy must not give up and must not go to sleep. The beauty of diplomacy lies in its appetite to go the extra mile to achieve its objectives. This short article aims to remind respective states facing wars and conflicts either protracted or evolving, that do not mute the diplomatic efforts no matter how hostile the environment is and how arrogant the enemy is.

The simplest definition of diplomacy is to protect and promote a state’s national interests. Indeed, it’s highly unlikely that those tasked with safeguarding and advancing a state’s national interests could remain passive or complacent, regardless of the complexity of the situation. Their role often demands constant vigilance, strategic thinking, and proactive measures to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of national and global affairs.

This ongoing engagement is crucial to effectively address emerging challenges and opportunities that impact the state’s interests. Diplomacy forms the essential element of human relationships: personal, groups, communities, or the states. According to Britannica, diplomacy is “the established method of influencing the decisions and behavior of foreign governments and peoples through dialogue, negotiation, and other measures short of war or violence.

” Whereas, National Geography defines diplomacy as “the art and science of maintaining peaceful relationships between n.