19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Dignify Therapeutics (Dignify), a leading developer of therapies for bladder and bowel dysfunction, recently received two significant research grants from the NIH. These grants add to the previous $20 million in research funding the company has received to advance multiple therapeutics for bladder and bowel disorders. Grants include R43DK138600 from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), and R43AG088838 from the National Institute on Aging (NIA).

Dr. Karl B. Thor , Chief Scientific Officer and Investigator on the grants indicated; "We are very grateful that multiple Institutes at the NIH support the severe, unmet, medical need for therapies to restore control of bladder and bowel dysfunction.

These therapies are directed toward the elderly and people with neurological conditions such as spinal injury, multiple sclerosis, spina bifida, and diabetes. The needs of these populations are typically not discussed publicly by those afflicted and their caregivers and thus remain an unrecognized and underappreciated burden for them." He further emphasized; "Bladder and bowel dysfunction are top reasons for institutionalization of the elderly due to the heavy burdens associated with domestic caregiving.

Similarly, restoration of bladder and bowel dysfunction in people with spinal injury is more important to them than restoration of their ability to walk." The new grants will allow Dignif.