Technology purports to simplify our lives. However, according to Kepios’ Digital 2024 Global Overview Report , published in partnership with Meltwater and We Are Social, the average American spends more than seven hours daily glued to internet-connected devices. A 2023 survey by Reviews.

com found Americans check their phones an average of 144 times a day, or about every 5-10 minutes. In an age where smartphones have become an extension of our hands, the constant barrage of notifications, emails, and social media updates has left many yearning for a break — a true escape from the digital world. This constant connectivity has proven to increase the likelihood of various mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and social media addiction.

As reliance on technology increases, so do the associated stress levels. The American Academy of Ophthalmology highlights that traditional vacations — while providing a physical break — often do little to address the psychological toll of our screen-dependent lifestyles. Recent studies reveal that 60 percent of Americans find that a traditional vacation fails to alleviate stress.

So, where can you relax if you can’t unwind on a typical vacation? Imagine the relief of a digital detox: a growing trend in travel that promises a change of scenery and a genuine mental reset. It’s a chance to escape the constant digital barrage and find true relaxation. What Is a Digital Detox? A digital detox is more than just a trendy buzzwo.