A new Cleveland Clinic study has identified diet-derived molecules called metabolites as main drivers of young-onset colorectal cancer risk, especially those associated with red and processed meat. The NPJ Precision Oncology report, which analyzed metabolite and microbiome datasets, highlighted that one of the best ways a younger (<60 years) adult can prevent colorectal cancer is to discuss their diet with their doctor. Increased monitoring and screening for colorectal cancer is an extremely helpful tool.

Despite the success of these methods, these data indicate physicians can take a different approach with their younger patients, says senior author and gastrointestinal oncologist Suneel Kamath, MD. At the end of the day, it's impractical to apply our care models for those over 60 to younger adults simply because we cannot give everyone in the system yearly colonoscopies. What is much more feasible is to give everyone in the system a simple test to measure a biomarker that determines their colorectal cancer risk.

Then we can give the most at-risk individuals appropriate screening." Suneel Kamath, MD, senior author and gastrointestinal oncologist Former clinical fellow Thejus Jayakrishnan, MD, and Naseer Sangwan, PhD, director of the Microbial Sequencing & Analytics Resource Core co-led the work. Researchers in Cleveland Clinic's Center for Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer provided large-scale analyses of patient data from individuals who received care for either young- or averag.