KOCHI: Music director Ramesh Narayan has come forward replying to the allegation of insulting actor Asif Ali. He said the act of refusing to accept the memento from the actor was not deliberate and just wanted director Jayaraj there. I didn’t mean to insult or upset anyone.

If he has felt that way, I am ready to tender an apology, he said. ‘Didn’t know that Asif Ali was giving me the award. I was not able to hear the announcement due to the noise there.

Jayaraj invited me to the film, but when all the directors were invited to the dais, I was not asked. I felt bad that time,’ he said. 'I didn't know Asif came running to give me the memento.

I consider everyone as the same. I did not stand on the stage and if I was there, I could have seen him coming. I was standing below.

I have not insulted or discriminated anyone. I'm still a small person. I am nothing.

I apologize for the misunderstanding. Asif is one of my favorite actors. I will be calling Asif.

I will apologize if committed a mistake. I have no hesitation in apologizing. I am pained with the cyber-attacks without understanding facts.

I cannot insult a human being,’ said Ramesh Narayanan.