Tuesday, July 16, 2024 This week’s Amazon Prime Day underscores the burgeoning power of the e-commerce subscription economy, and business leaders worldwide are taking note. The travel industry, in particular, is increasingly exploring subscription services as a new frontier. Many travel companies have already embraced this model, offering monthly or annual subscription plans that provide access to hotel stays, flights, or exclusive discounts and features through intermediaries.

The concept is rapidly gaining traction as travelers seek more convenience and value in their travel experiences. In response to this growing trend, Custom Travel Solutions (CTS), a leading provider of white label travel clubs, has released a comprehensive report titled “The Age of Travel Subscription.” This report is designed to guide industry professionals considering a shift to subscription-based models.

CTS’s report offers eight crucial recommendations for success in the travel subscription business. These insights are based on their extensive experience in powering membership organizations and employee benefit schemes with travel products through closed user groups. For travel companies looking to capitalize on this emerging trend, CTS’s report provides valuable strategies to create compelling and profitable subscription services, ensuring they can meet the evolving demands of modern travelers.

Mike Putman, CEO & Founder of CTS comments: “We are nearing the end of the beginning of the .