Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan made history as the first Indian star to be honoured with a career achievement award at the 77th Locarno Film Festival on Saturday. Videos ranging from the actor's grand entry, to his speech at the festival in Switzerland have been doing the rounds on social media. However, there is one clip of the superstar that is raising eyebrows.

The viral clip see Shah Rukh allegedly 'pushing' an elderly man off the red carpet while posing for photos. The clip saw the superstar posing for the cameras and paused when the cameramen asked an elderly man to move aside to enable them to take SRK's pics. That was when Shah Rukh walked up to the man and gave him a little push.

While fans perceived it as the actor's playful side, there were others, who slammed him for his behaviour. Fans of the actor quickly swooped in to defend him and dismissed the allegations as 'baseless'. While stressing that the actor is known for his respectful and courteous behaviour towards people, SRK fans found a clip that show the star walking the red carpet with the same man, who appeared to be a part of the team, and someone the actor knew well enough to joke around with.

At the festival, Khan gave a rousing acceptance speech and vowed to continue challenging himself as an actor. Thanking the committee for the honour, he said, "Awards like this encourage me to keep on trying to embody all the facets of life, to embody all the emotions, and to try to give that one more take, one mo.