Did you know that only 7% of people in India with previously diagnosed diabetes meet treatment targets for blood glucose, lipids, and blood pressure, and this value is much lower in those with undiagnosed diabetes ? High blood pressure is also present in almost 60% of individuals with diabetes. Heart diseases are the most common cause of death and disability in patients with diabetes . According to clinical experts, having diabetes doubles your risk of experiencing heart disease or stroke compared to those without diabetes and at a younger age .

When high blood glucose persists for a long time, it can damage blood vessels, leading to serious heart complications. Adding to the adversity, people with diabetes have other conditions that can increase their risk for heart disease, including high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, and high triglyceride levels. A major concern is that none of these conditions have obvious symptoms; hence, detecting the disease is challenging.

Statistical data reveals that people with diabetes have higher chances of heart failure . Hence, timely screening and early detection play a significant role in heart disease and diabetes. Indian data reflects a substantial burden of heart diseases and heart failure in individuals with type 2 diabetes .

It is recommended that all individuals with diabetes should be screened yearly for heart disease-related risk factors. Factors that increase the risk of heart disease in people with diabetes are the duration of diabe.