Tamil actor, Dhanush during an audio launch of of his upcoming film Rayaan, Dhanush made cryptic comment about settling down at Rajini's locality. Published: July 24, 2024 4:51 PM IST By Edited by Tamil cinema’s renowned actor, Dhanush, has been under some heat following his recent remarks at the music reveal of his new film, Raayan. Broadcasted on TV, Dhanush emphasised his ‘outsider’ status, delving into his efforts to secure a home in the glamorous Poes Garden neighborhood, shared by luminaries like Rajinikanth and the late Tamil Nadu CM, J Jayalalithaa.

Despite his roots in the Tamil film industry through his father, Dhanush’s comments have sparked a wave of criticism. At the event, Dhanush chose to speak in Tamil as he addressed the buzz around his recent acquisition of a property in Poes Garden. The VIP actor answered, “If I knew buying a house in Poes Garden would have become such a big topic of conversation, I would have simply got a small apartment.

Should I not buy a house in Poes Garden? If I live in a street, I remain to live in a street only? (sic).” He further spoke in Tamil saying, “There is a small story about buying the house in Poes Garden. I was 16 when me and my friend were riding through Cathedral Road (in Chennai).

You know whose fan I am (referring to Rajinikanth). So, during the ride, I wished to see Thalaivar’s house. I asked someone where is his house.

We followed the directions given. We noticed a group of Police officers in the loca.