City Hall needs a consistent, transparent and aggressive approach to spurring commercial development — including more public dollars to help finance apartments and other new projects. That's according to , who's publicly criticizing Mayor Cavalier Johnson's Department of City Development as it recommends a rival firm for "There's a lack of certainty because there is no process," Gokhman told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. "There is not a collaborative approach.

" Gokhman's comments are drawing support from others, including two key Common Council members: Ald. Robert Bauman, whose district includes downtown, and council President Jose Perez, whose district includes Walker's Point. That's where Gokhman's New Land Enterprises LLC is seeking city financing help for two apartment developments.

"The lack of consistency to put these deals together is a huge challenge," Perez said. Also, Johnson on Monday said he was directing Department of City Development staff to look at how the use of city financing for apartment developments can be expanded − which he said was the result of Gokhman's "direct feedback." Meanwhile, Development Commissioner Lafayette Crump defended his department's interactions with New Land and other development firms.

"I think the development community understands very well what our policies are and what the process is," Crump said. Gokhman, whose firm is one of the Milwaukee area's largest developers, took the unusual step of airing his grievances publicly .