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She told the Mirror : "It's strange how people have this idea of you that is so far removed from reality. There's no such thing as 'having it all'. Life is full of downs as well as ups and I've certainly not had a charmed existence.

"The show that turned things round for me was Strictly Come Dancing , but no one had any idea how torn up I was when I did that very first show. Yes, I made sure I looked the part and laughed and did everything I had to do, but I was completely broken up on the inside." Landing the role on Strictly shortly after her father's death was bittersweet for Tess, but she knew it was a show he would have adored watching her present.

"My dad loved ballroom dancing. He got me into it when I was a kid. It was his sort of thing - old-fashioned, graceful.

He just loved it. Everything.