On June 3, Prisha Mosley, 26 gave birth to a healthy baby boy via C-section. That doesn’t seem remarkable for a young woman of child-bearing years, but until about two years ago, Mosley identified as a man. In her fruitless attempt to change genders, she pumped her body full of testosterone.

At 18, she had her healthy breasts removed and was left with a mangled and scarred chest. Her hormones were, and remain, wildly out of wack. In fact, when Mosely, who has detransitioned, saw a doctor because she missed her period, she laughed when he asked if she could be carrying a child.

Sure, she was in a relationship with her boyfriend, but she assumed she was infertile. “I still can’t believe I got pregnant,” she told me. “And I still can’t believe he’s healthy.

” But this miracle did not come without a myriad of complications and medical unknowns. Mosley is in unchartered waters, the first of a small group of detransitioning women who become mothers. Medical interventions such as cross sex hormones can affect fertility — and Mosley started using testosterone when she was still developing.

“Every single thing that happens with the female body, especially when they are carrying and birthing a baby, has a purpose,” said Mosley, adding that her body’s mechanisms were greatly affected by testosterone. After being essentially experimented on by doctors under the guise of “gender-affirming care,” she’s now sharing raw, intimate details about her unexpected but .