Broadcasting great Des Lynam says Gary Lineker 'is a very lucky chap' in an ultra rare interview on his Match of the Day replacement Des says the former England striker "wasn't comfortable" when he first took over and 'is not everyone's cup of tea' but has matured into the coveted role. The 81-year-old says he never misses the Saturday night show he presented for 11 years between 1988 and 1999. Gary, 63, is now the top earner at the BBC - for the seventh year in a row - raking in £1.

35 million from the corporation, mostly due to his work on Match of the Day. Speaking about Gary's role at the helm of the show, Des told The Radio Times : “He wasn’t comfortable (as a pundit) at the beginning. Of course he’s been highly critical of the England team in the Euros but when he first came on he wouldn’t criticise anybody.

When I left, he immediately got the job and he grew into it very rapidly. I know he’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but for my money I think he does a first-class job." He went on: “I don’t suppose you can justify it in terms of what a nurse or firemen does, but it’s the market – that’s what the BBC feel they have to pay to get his services.

You can’t say that anybody saying a few words into a television screen is worth more than someone who saves lives, but money dictates. He’s a very lucky chap. He’s had two great careers and the second one is helped along by the fact he had the first one.

” He also entered the debate about female pundits.