There are no schools or teachers to dispense home remedies. They are part and parcel of folk wisdom. In most villages, dispensaries and pharmacies are not to be seen.

As a result, when someone falls ill, people try out home remedies handed down by many generations. Having been brought up in a remote village I am quite familiar with some home remedies which are safe, cheap and surprisingly effective. For home remedies, you do not have to buy any medicine and keep it in a cupboard.

Most of the ingredients for home remedies are available in the kitchen, spice rack or in the backyard. More and more evidence suggests that certain foods and household staples can relieve common health problems. In fact, many people concerned about the overuse of antibiotics and the trend towards treatment excesses even for minor ailments, depend on home remedies.

According to a leading Ayurvedic physician – Rajakeeya Panditha William Alwis – home remedies are more than just folklore. This is because many housewives depend on natural substances as they have less side effects. However, after administering home remedies, you should be ready to discard them if you experience an unusual reaction.

Then it is time to discontinue the therapy immediately. Ginger Ginger is one of the most effective spices freely available in village homes. In cities, however, ginger has become a luxury item.

According to Ayurvedic practitioners, ginger quiets and eases cold symptoms. Whenever children get wet, mothers giv.