Summary Denver International Airport implements facial recognition at 15 boarding gates for faster and seamless boarding procedures. Passengers who prefer not to use the biometric system can opt out and follow traditional boarding procedures. Despite privacy concerns, biometric systems are increasingly deployed at airports, with the majority of passengers supporting the technology for faster and easier travel experiences.

Denver International Airport has announced that it is implementing facial recognition biometric systems at 15 of its boarding gates to expedite boarding procedures for international flights. This makes Denver the latest of the airports in the country to utilize biometric systems to provide a smoother on-ground passenger experience at airports while maintaining safety and security. Facial recognition boarding The latest airport in the United States to implement facial recognition systems is Denver International Airport (DEN) in Colorado, US, as the airport is set to use the technology on 15 of its boarding gates across concourses A and C.

The airport states that it will be using this technology for international flights operating out of the airport, and the system will allow passengers to board their flights without having to present their passports or travel documents at the gate, thus making the whole process seamless and faster. Reports suggest that the system will use the images and data solely for the purpose of real-time passenger verification and will .