In the glamorous world of Hollywood, where looks can make or breakcareers, dental implants have become a revolutionary way for celebrities to getthe flawless million-dollar smile. Along with improving the stars' dentalhealth, these permanent tooth replacements have also greatly improved theirprofessional paths and self-esteem, according to DentaTur. But how didthese dental implants become a popular secret weapon among the A-listers, andhow could you achieve the look yourself? Sign up to our daily newsletter , get the latest news and reviews from our specialist arts writers Thank you for signing up! Did you know with a Digital Subscription to The Scotsman, you can get unlimited access to the website including our premium content, as well as benefiting from fewer ads, loyalty rewards and much more.

RegainingConfidence Celebritiesvalue their confidence highly. It might be career-limiting to be reluctant tospeak up or smile widely because of dental flaws. For many celebrities, dentalimplants have given them a newfound feeling of confidence.

Consider the change that actor Ed Helms underwent.Although the missing teeth in "The Hangover" were artificiallycreated, Helms has been transparent about his actual congenital tooth loss. As a child one of his second teeth never ‘grew in’and the gap was plugged with an implant.

For the movie the implant wasreportedly removed – and he spent much of the film without it. “His flexibility as an actor was enhanced by beingable to confidentl.