1. It’s near home. Unlike a visit to somewhere like Cape Canaveral or an Elvis tribute show in Las Vegas, you are never too far from the ploughing.

You can go to the ploughing and be home again that evening, for the cows. And if you are lucky enough, maybe the rosary too with your mother. 2.

It doesn’t cost a fortune to attend. While some will crib about the price of an entry fee, overall, it’s far less expensive than many other great days out. Virgin Galactic, for example, will charge you roughly €250,000 to go to space for a couple of seconds.

Likewise, if you want to visit the depths of the ocean to catch a glimpse of the Titanic, a ride in a submersible tub will also cost you about €250k. And indeed, it could cost you a lot more if you spring a leak. The ploughing event is as cheap as chips by comparison.

So cheap in fact, that you will literally still have enough left over for a nice tasty bag of chips during the day. That’s something that neither deep space nor the deep ocean can offer. 3.

Nobody ever complains about a shortage of tickets. Unlike a Taylor Swift concert where tickets are as precious as grass in the Burren, a ticket for the ploughing is never further than a phone call away. I have never known of anybody who was unable to attend the ploughing due to a shortage of tickets.

The ploughing event is so massive, so humungous that even if everyone in Ireland attended (which they almost do anyway), there would still be room at the Inn for a half dozen .