Dengue is caused by a virus, and timely care and treatment are crucial. Upon consulting a doctor, they will conduct tests and provide medications and injections to treat dengue. In severe cases of dehydration, patients may receive IV fluids.

New Delhi: As the weather changes, people find some relief from the scorching heat, but the rainy season also brings a host of infections and diseases with itself. With Monsoon, there comes an increased risk of dengue due to the breeding of mosquitoes. The carelessness and reckless attitude In this season, leads to people suffering from various mosquito-borne diseases.

Dengue, commonly known as breakbone fever, is a flu-like illness caused by the dengue virus. When an Aedes mosquito bites a healthy person, the virus causes dengue. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly half of the world’s population is now at risk of dengue, with an estimated 100-400 million people getting infected each year.

Therefore, as the weather changes, it’s crucial to stay extremely vigilant. Precautions to take to dodge dengue Dr. Gaurav Jain, Senior Consultant, Internal Medicine, Dharamshila Narayana Hospital, Delhi said, it’s important to understand the causes of dengue.

Dengue is spread by certain mosquitoes, primarily the Aedes species. Four viruses are responsible for dengue: DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4. These viruses enter the body through the mosquito bite and spread through the bloodstream, resulting in dengue fever.

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