The much-anticipated Tamil horror thriller Demonte Colony 2, starring Arulnithi Tamilarasu, premiered in theaters on August 15, coinciding with India’s Independence Day. Directed by R. Ajay Gnanamuthu, this sequel to the 2015 hit Demonte Colony has captivated audiences with its eerie storyline and chilling atmosphere.

Demonte Colony 2 Plot: A Gripping Storyline Demonte Colony 2 follows a group of friends who venture into a cursed location, driven by curiosity to uncover the sinister truth behind the malevolent spirits residing there. Arulnithi reprises his role as Srinivasan, with Priya Bhavani Shankar, Meenakshi Govindarajan, and Sarjano Khalid joining the ensemble cast. The film skillfully blends suspense with horror, offering a spine-tingling experience that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.

Read More: Thalavan OTT Release Date Demonte Colony 2 Box Office Despite clashing with Vikram’s Thangalaan, Demonte Colony 2 has enjoyed a solid run at the box office. According to reports from Sacnilk, the movie earned approximately Rs 0.9 crore on its seventh day, bringing its total collection to around Rs 19.

25 crore. This impressive performance highlights the film’s strong appeal, even amid competition. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Arulnithi tamilarasu (@arulnithi_tamilarasu) Demonte Colony 2 OTT Release Details For those who missed the theatrical release, Demonte Colony 2 will soon be available for streaming.

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