1 of 1 2 of 1 Think of it as a possible death punch—a master blow making it clear which party is on the side of all things beautiful, hopeful, and star-powered, and which party has to settle for Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, and the tone-deaf horrorshow known as Roseanne Barr. To spend time on Elon Musk’s own personal vanity platform today is to feel the almost unbearable excitement of tonight’s wrap-up for the Democratic National Convention. The anticipation is all about who will be stealing the show.

Somewhat counterintuitively, it seems unlikely the answer will be Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, or Tim Walz’s impossibly inspirational son Gus, who today has given the world yet another reason to wonder why God continues to let Ann Coulter exist on this planet. Instead the betting odds are on not one, but two of the most famous women on the planet crashing the party. Which makes sense considering both are—spiritually, if not declaratively—in the corner of a woman who, if America has anything resembling a soul left, will make history this November.

The one whose DNC appearance seems to be a given is Beyoncé, fresh off delivering a beautifully placed kick in the balls to Donald Trump yesterday. In case you need some background there, evidently looking to show America that everyone’s least-favourite Mango Mussolini is a pop music fan, Republican strategists recently released a video of Trump walking off a plane to Queen Bey’s “Freedom”. The 2016 smash is a central song fo.