Dementia presents a complex journey for families, demanding a deep understanding of the disease. Family caregivers can navigate this journey with greater confidence and compassion by acquiring knowledge about dementia, honing communication skills, and prioritising both their loved one's well-being and their own. Family offers immense support, and a sense of belonging and is the foundation of our lives.

However, the true significance of family often becomes most apparent when facing unforeseen circumstances. In the case of dementia, which is a progressive neurological condition that erodes memories and cognitive abilities, the presence of a strong support network becomes even more crucial. In today’s age, Dementia is seen as a significant public health challenge, affecting millions of individuals worldwide.

It encompasses a range of symptoms associated with cognitive decline, memory loss, and behavioral changes in an individual. With an aging population, the prevalence of dementia is on the rise, and it is important to understand and address the complexities of this condition. However, any type of caregiving requires a comprehensive understanding and awareness of a disease like dementia shared by Dr.

Manish Patni, MD, DNB Neurology, HCG Hospitals Bhavnagar. Causes for Dementia: Dementia is caused by various underlying conditions that damage brain cells. • Alzheimer's Disease: This is the most common cause of dementia, characterised by the abnormal buildup of protein fragme.