Their cost variesfrom $20.000 to $1 million. US citizens are increasingly purchasing private bunkers in caseof major armed conflicts, new pandemics or nuclear disaster, Trendreports.

This was reported by Fox News, which spoke with Ron Hubbard,director of the bunker manufacturer Atlas Survival Shelters. "Business is booming. We are building bunkers all over theplace, their cost varies from $1 million to $20.

000. Most of ourbunkers cost about half a million dollars because our customers arewealthy people," he said, noting that nearly half of Americans fearcivil war. Hubbard added that he sells at least one bunker a day.

"Theatmosphere inside is reminiscent of home. That's why I work withpremium clients. They understand that they would not like to sufferfrom being in a metal box, they want some kind of elite bombshelter,” he explained.
