Another incident regarding a Delta Connection flight has surfaced – this time involving a wing strike during landing. The CRJ900 aircraft was operating a flight between Jacksonville, Florida, and New York La Guardia when the incident occurred. Thankfully, there have been no reports of anybody getting injured.
Wing strike at LaGuardia On March 16, a Delta Connection flight operated by Endeavor Air suffered a wing tip strike while landing. The flight had originated at Jacksonville International Airport (JAX) in Florida and was bound for LaGuardia Airport (LGA) in New York City, which is where the incident occurred during landing. According to a report by The Aviation Herald , the aircraft was trying to land on runway 22 and in the process struck its left wing on the surface, forcing the pilots to initiate a go around.
The incident occurred a little after 22:00 at night. ABC 7 New York quotes from the air traffic control audio in which the controller told the pilot, “Somebody saw some sparks from one of your wings. You guys feel anything?” To this, the pilot replied, “We didn't but we'll check it.
” Simple Flying also contacted the carrier for a comment and received the following response from a Delta spokesperson: “The Endeavor Air flight crew followed established procedures to safely enact a go-around at New York-LaGuardia. The aircraft landed safely and proceeded to its arrival gate. We apologize to our customers for the experience.
” About the flight and aircraft.