Yang Li’s life was nearly cut short in her forties by metastatic cancer. Despite refusing further medical treatment, she has lived a vibrant and healthy life for the past 30 years. What did she experience that caused her to win the battle against a deadly cancer? Yang, now 77, lives in San Jose, California.

In her youth, she was a well-known Huangmei Opera (one of China’s five major opera genres) actress in Anhui, China, before transitioning to a career as a costume designer for the same opera. Since her teenage years, she battled numerous illnesses, including hepatitis A and B, coronary heart disease, chronic bronchitis, and chronic urinary tract infections. She was on so many medications that she was often referred to as a “walking medicine cabinet.

” In 1990, while 43-year-old Yang was working on a costume design, she suddenly began vomiting blood clots, which alarmed her greatly. She had been having intermittent upper abdominal pain, along with acidic vomiting that sometimes contained blood. Due to her busy work schedule, she had not undergone a comprehensive examination or treatment.

In 1994, Yang developed new symptoms indicating nasopharyngeal cancer. A CT (computed tomography) scan revealed two tumors, each about the size of a soybean, in her left sinus. When Yang’s doctor told her she had about three months to live she sighed and said, “It seems there is no need for further treatment.

” She opted not to be hospitalized. Yang wanted to learn Falun Gong and.