If you live in an area that gets lots of wandering deer, you'll be familiar with the need to constantly find new ways to protect your garden plants. Before you put any precautions in place you need to figure out which of your plants are safe. Luckily, there are plenty of deer-resistant plants to choose from when planning a garden that won't become damaged by these beautiful creatures.

However, you might need to think twice about growing hydrangeas in your yard if you often get visiting deer, as these popular summer blooms are a favorite for deer to snack on. But don't lose all hope, this doesn't mean you can't have hydrangeas in your yard. Here, experts have shared their top tips for protecting hydrangeas from deer.

Are hydrangeas deer-resistant? Unfortunately, even with so many hydrangea varieties to choose from, these showy flowers aren't deer-resistant. 'Although, some types of hydrangeas – mountain (H. serrata) and bracted (H.

involucrata) – seem to less desired by deer, likely due to the texture of their foliage,' notes Amy Enfield , Senior Horticulturist at ScottsMiracle-Gro. 'Deer favor the tender flower buds that are within their reach, often leaving your hydrangea flowerless for the season,' she explains. The good news is that minor grazing and damage from deer are unlikely to affect the health of your hydrangeas in the long term and you can expect to see them bounce back.

'However, yearly grazing of established hydrangea plants may result in never having flowers.