Sabyasachi Mukherjee's 25th-anniversary celebration in Mumbai was nothing short of a grand spectacle, and leading the show with her advent grandeur style was none other than Bollywood's fashion icon, Deepika Padukone. The couture show marked a milestone in the designer's outstanding career, showcasing a breathtaking fusion of tradition and modernity, with Deepika effortlessly stealing the spotlight. A post shared by DietSabya® (@dietsabya) Deepika Padukone turns muse for Sabya Deepika opened the runway in a stunning all-white ensemble that redefined monochrome sophistication.

She donned flowing, wide-legged trousers paired with an oversized tailored coat. In a structured silhouette and a daring plunging neckline, the actress effortlessly exuded demure elegance. Further elevating her show-stopper look, Deepika adorned herself with bold statement accessories, including a striking crucifix pendant, oversized earrings, and chunky layered necklaces.

Adding a touch of contrast, she paired the pristine outfit with sleek black heels, dramatic glasses, and matching gloves. Her voluminous updo and smouldering smokey eyes added the perfect finishing touches. A post shared by DietSabya® (@dietsabya) Fans' reactions As soon as Deepika took to the runway, fans couldn’t contain their excitement, flooding social media with likes and comments.

One fan gushed, "DP ate and left no crumbs. She just had a baby and has embraced her new body and role like a queen." Another added, "A REAL QUEEN!.