Decorating with maps is a brilliant way to bring depth, interest and a unique, personal touch to interiors, plus they can be wonderfully decorative. Whether introduced as framed artwork, wall murals or even in more creative ways through furniture design or splashbacks, maps make a great focal point and imbue spaces with stories and memories – no matter what your interior design style . If you’re thinking of decorating with maps we're here to help you navigate your design journey and have rounded up an array of creative ideas to get you inspired alongside some insights from interior designers.

Decorating with maps is nothing new. Geographical maps have graced the walls of palaces, stately homes and grand buildings for centuries. While maps have the power to transport us back in time, they needn't be reserved for grand historic buildings.

Atlas wall murals are a great way to bring a sense of adventure and place to both historic and contemporary homes. They can be bought ready-printed as wallcoverings or custom-printed and cropped into certain destinations. Nor do maps need to be displayed on a grand scale – simply framed as part of a gallery wall or even laminated on the top of a desk and they can make a playful, unique feature.

The beauty of decorating with maps is that they are hugely versatile making them a staple design feature of interior designers. 'Maps add character and a sense of place to interiors; they are perfect artwork for making a room feel uniquely persona.