Tuesday, August 20, 2024 As India approaches its centenary of independence in 2047, the country stands at a pivotal juncture, contemplating the future of its economic and industrial growth. The question of whether India requires another industrial revolution to sustain and enhance its growth trajectory is both timely and crucial. The original Industrial Revolution marked a significant transformation in manufacturing processes, leading to unprecedented economic growth and societal changes.

Today, India faces a similar crossroads, where embracing technological advancements, fostering innovation, and restructuring industrial policies could serve as the next growth engine for the nation. India’s economic landscape has evolved significantly since its independence in 1947. From a largely agrarian economy, the country has transformed into a global player in information technology, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing.

However, the rapid technological advancements in artificial intelligence, automation, and digitalization pose both challenges and opportunities. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, characterized by the fusion of physical, digital, and biological worlds, has the potential to propel India into a new era of growth. To harness this potential, India needs to invest in research and development, upgrade its infrastructure, and foster a culture of innovation across industries.

Another key aspect to consider is the role of sustainable development in India’s future growth. As th.