While growing up, I was often told that we Gen Zs will bear the brunt of the effects of climate change one day because we will live on this planet long after the older generations are gone. I view each climate-related disaster — be it flooding, drought, or typhoon — as a preview of what’s to come, and no matter how damaging these disasters are, they’re only going to get worse if nothing is done. I know it sounds pessimistic, but this is also why I’m usually choosing eco-friendly options and supporting sustainable choices.

I may not be on the same level as Greta Thunberg, our generation’s main character for saving the planet, but I still want to do my part, and I think that goes for most of us, Gen Zs. In my circle of friends, most use reusable products. From straws to tumblers, we usually have these in our tote bags whenever we go out.

We also love coffee shops that use straws made from organic materials and shops that implement a “no straw policy.” We often buy these from TikTok shops, sharing links to products and store reviews that we’re interested in. This is a common trend among Gen Zs and millennials, who make up the majority of TikTok’s audience, data from Meltwater and We Are Social show.

Excited for eco-friendly tech, sustainable policies Just like in my circle of friends, this trend of choosing eco-friendly products is true for TikTok users, our findings at The Nerve show. The Nerve analyzed almost 1,800 TikTok videos about eco-friendly initiativ.