I’m going to be honest with you, dear reader. I think modern dating sucks. I’ve been single for a few years now, and I’ve been trying (operative word trying ) to meet new people here and there.

It’s been really difficult for me, as a 20-something Gen Z girl who personally prefers the good old friends-to-lovers arc. I don’t have that many male friends, and it’s kind of hard to make new ones. I’ve resorted to asking friends to set me up, although that hasn’t been very successful yet, either.

I’m still figuring this whole dating thing out, and I’m still learning about what I like and don’t like. But if there’s one thing I know I wholeheartedly detest about modern dating, it’s dating apps. Throughout my life, I’ve been on at least three dating apps, and I hated all of them.

On dating apps, I’ve seen exes (awkward), matched with someone who spoiled our conversation by asking to hook up (anticlimactic), and talked to another person who fawned over me so much even before we actually had the chance to meet up and get to know each other (absolutely terrifying). It took me a few years to realize that I go on dating apps just to feel the initial thrill of being desired, only to be disappointed by the conversation and the lack of sparks. I’ve since sworn off dating apps and I don’t plan on reinstalling them.

Ever. (Maybe my strong opinions and cynicism are the reason I’m still single. Let me have my Miranda Hobbes moment.

) But I’m also not one to rai.