(ANN/KOREA HERALD) – The recent DUI incident involving K-pop star Suga has sparked widespread debate, with fans and critics alike questioning the severity of the backlash he has received. Suga, a member of the globally renowned group BTS, was found to have driven an electric scooter under the influence of alcohol, registering a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.227 per cent.

This marks the highest BAC ever recorded in a DUI case involving a K-pop artist, surpassing previous cases such as Kangta of H.O.T.

(0.102 pe rcent) and Shin Hye-sung of Shinhwa (0.097 per cent).

The incident has divided opinions, particularly among BTS’ fanbase, known as ARMY, both locally and internationally. Some international fans argue that riding an electric scooter under the influence is less severe than driving a car. However, under Korea’s Road Traffic Act, electric scooters are classified as vehicles and are subject to the same legal consequences as driving a car while intoxicated.

Music critic Kim Do-heon suggests that the differing cultural perspectives on DUI cases and the heightened moral expectations placed on celebrities in Korea contribute to the polarised reactions. “Until recently, Korea had been relatively lenient on drunk driving. But with the increasing awareness of the dangers and the serious consequences of such actions, the public’s view has become much stricter, especially when it comes to celebrities,” Kim explained.

“In contrast, while there is criticism of d.