"We have missed flights and trains, and our daughter was dropped from her sports team because she arrived late so often for matches." Image: Getty Question: I hope you can help me. I am very happily (mostly) married to the love of my life.

She is beautiful and a great mother to our two children who are now in junior school. We both have good jobs, have a lovely house, great neighbours and get on really well with our extended families. Everything should be perfect.

But it’s not. When we were going out together my then girlfriend was ALWAYS late for everything. Even her friends called her “the late Miss Jones” (not her real maiden name!).

I was kept waiting for well over 40 minutes at the church when we got married. I didn’t really worry too much about it at that stage, but over the years it has started to drive me crazy. I can’t even discuss it with her any more as we then end up having a huge row and she sulks for ages.

We have missed flights and trains, our daughter was dropped from her sports team because she arrived late so often for matches, our son lost his part in the school play because he was late for rehearsals. Join the Irish Independent WhatsApp channel Stay up to date with all the latest news.