The other night she actually had the cheek to confront me over why I’ve backed away from our friendship. Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters I hope you can help me as I’m holding on to bad feelings over something a good friend did about 18 months ago. When I was in the early stages of seeing my boyfriend , she made a big play for him, even though she knew we were together.

She even admitted to another friend of ours that she’d always fancied my boyfriend and would love to get together with him. To cut a long story short, neither of us has ever discussed it, so it’s like an elephant in the room. I did distance myself from her, as I was angry and felt I couldn’t trust her again.

However, we’re part of the same friendship group, so I do see her from time to time. Maybe I should be over this but I still feel angry towards her. The other night she actually had the cheek to confront me over why I’ve backed away from our friendship.

Honestly, I was lost for words but still couldn’t bring myself to say how I feel about her and what she did. I almost don’t want to give her the satisfaction and for her to see I’m bothered or to give her any ammo or gossip. But it’s bugging me.

Any ideas on how to get closure on this? Get the latest news sent straight to your messages by joining our.