Dear Annie: My aunt relocated to Florida from Illinois with her husband. When her sisters would come for a visit, she would make a “Whoopee List.” It was a list of things to do with them while they were there, such as going to Disney World and other neat things! Yes, we now live in a world that has changed greatly, but I try to remember to treat our guests like royalty, as my aunt did.

I believe having good hospitality is even biblically based. I’m the youngest of five. When I went to visit a couple of my brothers, they treated me the complete opposite of the way my aunt treated her sisters.

I think one brother did not really want me there. I must say that I’m hesitant to ever visit them again. I was very hurt by the way they treated me.

And it is one of those lessons in life where we learn. I still do the polite things of sending birthday and Christmas cards, but the closeness is gone. I have friends in Washington and Florida who have invited me, but I’m reluctant to even visit them.

I think we all must make a note to treat visitors -- even those who show up unexpectedly at our front door -- kindly, politely and with genuine regard. We definitely know that when a family member or friend returns for another visit to our home, we did right with them on their previous visit. I truly appreciate sharing this with you, and it helps me to write to you about this matter.

It has been on my mind for years. -- Visiting Family and Friends Dear Visiting Family: Your letter high.