: My mom is a widow and has been dating a man. Related Articles One day, after they went out, I noticed he had left his phone behind. I know it sounds horrible, but I snooped and found that he has been texting another woman.

He calls her “gorgeous,” offers to bring her food, tells her “sweet dreams,” sends her photos of himself, etc. I always knew Mom could do better, and I had my suspicions about this guy. I am very protective of her.

She has been through so much. What do I do with this information? If I tell her, I’ll feel ashamed for looking in the first place. Please help.

: You have to tell your mother what you did and what you found. Do not classify it as “he’s cheating,” because you don’t know for certain. Simply state the facts, then let her do her own investigating and draw her own conclusions.

: I am very close to my oldest sister’s three sons, especially “Lucas,” who is 38. He and I have communicated often and have seen each other (we live in different states) over the years. In a way, I have been his confidant.

He knows I love him like a son. Lucas is a professional in a big city and earns excellent money. He’s well-liked and enjoys going out with friends.

We haven’t seen each other in a year and a half, and our phone/text communications have dwindled to nothing. When I spoke with him briefly a month ago, he was visiting my sister. He shared that he was having a “hard time” and said he would call.

I have reached out since, but he ha.