Dear Abby: I met a young man on Facebook. He is a philanthropist, and we have been talking for more than six months. He’s kind and sweet, and he tells me he loves me.

He works around the world as an interior designer and will be returning to the States in a couple of weeks. The problem is, I’m 30 years older than he is. He has seen photos of me and thinks I am beautiful and a good woman.

I am stressed about meeting him because he wants a life together, even though I have shared all of my health issues. Please help me. I have tried to end it because of the age difference, but he gets very upset, and so we go on.

I do care about him. What should I do? —Waffling in Georgia Dear Waffling: Tread very carefully! Although you have communicated over the last six months, he may not “quite” be the person he has presented himself to be. Make no commitments until you have actually met him in person.

Hold on to your skepticism and do not give him money for ANY reason, because things that seem too good to be true often are. Dear Abby: I’m dating a single dad with a teenage daughter who lives with him full time. His daughter’s mother lives in the same town but rarely sees her.

Mom does not want me to meet her daughter and offered the solution of taking her daughter to live with her. Six months later, Mom has yet to commit to actually having her daughter live with her. Because of this, I am no longer spending time at my boyfriend’s home, and it’s driving a wedge between us.
