: I have a woman friend I take out to lunch every once in a while. I often pay the check. Related Articles When she goes back home to her husband, he’s upset that she doesn’t bring something back for him.

He tells my friend, “It’s what partners do.” Abby, these people are not without food or the means to get it. Neither one is starving, and he doesn’t bring back anything for her when he goes out.

What are your thoughts on this? : The next time you take this friend to lunch, if she asks to order something for her husband, tell her it’s fine with you, but his portion of the check will be on . P.S.

And if that’s “what partners do” for each other, it shouldn’t be a one-way street. What a manipulator! : I am the mother of a daughter, “Rebecca,” whom I placed for adoption when I was a teenager. Long story short, we have reunited.

We not only have a wonderful relationship, but I have a great relationship with Rebecca’s adoptive mom, and my husband and children (with my husband) all have an open and caring relationship with her. Fast-forward to my recent visit with Rebecca. She and I were out, and we ran into a friend of hers.

She introduced me by saying, “This is Sally, my birth mother.” I had no problem with it and received a warm reception from her friend (who, I think, did have some “backstory” knowledge). However, my later thoughts led me here: If the situation would be reversed, and I would be introducing her to someone, what do I say? There�.