: My older sister and I are educated professionals in our late 40s. We reside in different states. Related Articles Our father’s cognitive function and mobility are deteriorating, so my parents sold their large home in another state to downsize and move to a senior community near me.

Living near me is a logical choice: I am attentive and reliable — I have often assisted them and my in-laws in the past — and the area in which I live is affordable. My sister has chosen to view my parents’ move as their choosing me over her. First she stopped speaking to me.

When I texted and asked why I hadn’t heard from her, she said my texts “weren’t high on her list of priorities.” In another exchange, she told me she hoped my husband, who is being treated for a heart condition, dies before he can vote. Then she stopped speaking to our parents.

During their last email exchange, she told my mother to cry on the shoulder of the “daughter she chose.” My sister has treated me similarly in the past, but she has never before shut out our parents. She used to call them often, and they miss talking to her.

I’m not sure reconciling is an option, but it is difficult to witness her being so cruel during this time of extreme stress. What are your thoughts? Your sister’s attempts to punish you and your parents for the decision they made has only reinforced that they made the correct one. I am sorry she has been so successful in inflicting pain on all of you because none of you des.