Vindicta is one of Deadlock’s few long-range specialists, and she’s a great choice if you’re looking to take down enemies from range. But you’ll need the right build to start snowballing and, more importantly, to stay alive. Regarding carry potential, Vindicta has some of the highest damage in Deadlock.

Her ability to fly out of reach makes her particularly annoying to deal with for your opponent, but don’t let that distance make you feel safe. This guide will go over not only how to play Vindicta but also how your opponents will try to counter you. She’s one of the most straightforward characters in Deadlock to shut down, but also one of its hardest carries.

With the player count climbing daily , more and more people will know how to play against you. You’ll have to learn how to fight back. Here’s the best build for Vindicta in Deadlock, as well as which items you should build and how you should max her abilities.

Best abilities to use on Vindicta Here’s a summary of Vindicta’s abilities if you aren’t familiar with them: 1: Stake Throw a stake that tethers enemies to the location where the stake lands. Enemy movement is restricted to the length of the tether. Level 1: +0.

75 Tether duration Level 2: -20 second cooldown Level 3: Tethered enemies are also disarmed 2: Flight Leap into the air and fly. While in flight, your weapon deals bonus spirit damage. Level 1: +50% base ammo while flying Level 2: -15 second cooldown Level 3: +12 spirit damage per bulle.