If you’re looking to play a more supportive role in Deadlock , Dynamo may be your pick. So, here is the best build for the hero. You may not be the star of your team when playing as Dynamo, but you’re most definitely the one who is keeping your team alive with many teamfight-winning abilities.

However, Dynamo can be easily countered if you aren’t paying attention. Still, he has the potential to carry your games if you play him right. So, we will run through how best to play Dynamo, some builds that we would recommend, and the ability order.

Best abilities to use on Dynamo Here is a rundown of Dynamo’s abilities: 1: Kinetic Pulse Release an energy pulse that knocks enemies into the air Level 1: Hit enemies are fire rate and movement slowed by 40% for 4 seconds Level 2: Dynamo deals 30% more Weapon Damage to hit enemies for 8 seconds Level 3: +125 Damage 2: Quantum Entanglement Dynamo briefly disappears into the void and then reappears a short distance away. On reappearing, your weapon is reloaded and has a fire rate bonus for the next clip. Can be cast with [self cast button] to also bring nearby allies and give them half fire rate bonus.

Level 1: +4 meter Cast Range Level 2: +25% Fire Rate Bonus Level 3: On reappearing, +120% base ammo 3: Rejuvenating Aurora While channeling, restore health over time to you and any allies nearby. Level 1: Gain +4 m/s move speed bonus for 8 seconds if Aurora is fully channeled. Gain instantly with 5AP UpgradeLevel 2: -15 second Cooldow.