Beauty creator Marj Maroket shares how she nestles in for bed and sets off for the day alongside her go-to beauty products Over the years Marj Maroket, has since turned her admiration for makeup into an opportunity to not only share her stories and routines on social media, but turn them into products her followers can use for themselves. After finding virality during the pandemic through her makeup tutorials on TikTok , the now 30-year-old has since expanded her beauty content to include hair and skincare. With its growth in relevance over the past years, integrating skin care routines has started to move away from necessity to becoming a form of much needed peace after a long day.

Having her content centered on makeup, maintaining that base layer of healthy and radiant skin has become integral in Maroket’s routines even off-camera. In past installments of the Vogue Beauty series on YouTube, Vogue Philippines sat down with Dove girls Megan Young , Hannah Pangilinan and Angelina Cruz as they shared their own makeup and skin care routines. Today, Marj is introduced as the newest Dove girl as she gives an in-depth look into how she winds down and pampers her skin after a long day in her very own episode.

Detailed below are some of the go-to skincare products she uses at night so she can wake up with radiant skin before beginning her morning makeup routine. Maroket sits down after just returning home from an event, stating, “I’m so tired, but never too tired to do my skin .