David Sovka: A father-and-son cycle adventure in Mongolia Thankful for everything that went right on a father and son cycling adventure gone wrong: One moment, David Sovka and his son James were laughing and zooming down a lovely grass-covered hillside. Then James went down. David Sovka Aug 24, 2024 4:30 AM Share by Email Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Print Share via Text Message Previous Next 1 / 1 A happy morning cycling the endless Mongolian steppes, a few hours before James’s ­accident.

Advertisement Expand Listen to this article 00:13:43 I just flew in from Mongolia and boy, are my arms tired! Hahaha...

no, but seriously, my arms are really tired. After a week cycling the wild Mongolian steppes with my son, the old legs are also tired, and the back, neck, wrists ..

. really, all the bits are writing metaphorical complaint letters to the editor in my brain, which is in need of coffee but wants scotch. OK, so the brain is also tired.

But not nearly as tired as my son’s brain, which now needs an extra helping of rest after a catastrophic cycling accident hundreds of kilometres from what passes for civilization in that part of the world. One moment we laughed and zoomed in parallel down a lovely grass-covered hillside, the next brought a soundless explosion of dirt and sand and James was down. He wasn’t moving.

I remember thinking, “Oh no,” but felt nothing at all in that awful moment, a consequence of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibi.