Film-maker David Lynch says is not retiring after he said that is now too ill to direct films in person and could only work on projects remotely. , Lynch said: “I’ve gotten emphysema from smoking for so long, and so I’m homebound whether I like it or not. I can’t go out.

And I can only walk a short distance before I’m out of oxygen.” He added: “Because of Covid, it would be very bad for me to get sick, even with a cold. So I would probably be directing from my home .

.. I wouldn’t like that so much.

I like to be amongst the thing and get ideas there. But I would try to do [a film] remotely, if it comes to it.” After his comments provoked a strong response from fans, the 78-year-old issued a follow-up statement on X to clarify he would not stop working.

“I have now quit smoking for over two years,” he wrote. “Recently I had many tests and the good news is that I am in excellent shape except for emphysema. I am filled with happiness, and I will never retire.

I want you all to know that I really appreciate your concern. Love, David.” Ladies and Gentlemen, Yes, I have emphysema from my many years of smoking.

I have to say that I enjoyed smoking very much, and I do love tobacco - the smell of it, lighting cigarettes on fire, smoking them - but there is a price to pay for this enjoyment, and the price for me is...

— David Lynch (@DAVID_LYNCH) Lynch’s most recent full-length production was the 18-episode TV series , which premiered on Showtime in 2017, a.