Dave Matthews was one of thousands of protesters who gathered in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday (July 24) to condemn the U.

S. Congress’ reception of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a moment in history the musician called “shameful” in an on-site interview. Speaking to Al Jazeera near the Capitol, Matthews said, “I just think it’s terrible when the majority of the world is looking at this man and what he’s doing in Gaza, and then also what he’s overseeing in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, that we’re welcoming into the so-called sacred halls of our government.

” “This has been an ongoing struggle for people that just want to have dignity and be able to live independent lives and dream of a better future,” he continued in support of Palestinians during the on-camera interview, which showed other protesters milling behind him. “This man is the pinnacle of the obstacle toward that freedom and that we have him visiting the country is obscene. It’s a disgusting show of support for someone that doesn’t deserve our support.

“I’m ashamed that my tax dollars are going to the brutalizing of an entire people,” Matthews added. “It’s shameful. And I’m ashamed that our government is welcoming him here.

” According to The Associated Press , thousands were present Wednesday to protest Netanyahu’s visit and call for an end to U.S. aid to Israel amid the country’s ongoing war against Hamas, which has claimed more than 39,000 Palestinian l.