Sign up to our free email to get all the latest royal news and pictures We have more newsletters Sign up to our free email to get all the latest royal news and pictures We have more newsletters Following on from reports that King Charles is continuing to try and remove Prince Andrew from his Royal Lodge home in Windsor as the royal brothers' property dispute rages on, another possible home for the Duke has been questioned as a solution. Wood Farm, which is tucked away in a secluded corner of the Sandringham Estate in Norfolk, is known as one of the most 'normal' houses owned by the royals. It has both historical and contemporary connections, from Queen Elizabeth II's uncle Prince John to Prince Philip , Duke of Edinburgh.

While very little is known about whether Prince Andrew will leave Royal Lodge behind, it was revealed that the King will cease funding his 10-person security team after October. While it remains to be seen whether or not the Duke will leave Royal Lodge in Windsor , many reports have questioned whether Wood Farm in Norfolk would be a solution. Sandringham House, the main residence on the 20,000-acre estate located in the Norfolk Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, is surrounded by several other buildings.

These include Anmer Hall, the countryside home of the Prince and Princess of Wales , Park House and York Cottage. However, hidden from public view on this vast estate is Wood Farm . This small cottage was constructed around the same time as Sandringham.