“La Isla,” a sci-fi thriller series presented at last year’s Sanfic Series Lab, Conecta Fiction and Iberseries, is kicking off principal photography in October. Daniela Ramírez, International Emmy-nominated for her performance in HBO Max’s three-part limited series “Isabel: The Intimate Story of Isabel Allende,” is attached to star alongside Néstor Cantillana (“NO”). Penned by Felipe Carmona (“Prison in the Andes”), the six-part series focuses on a dogged detective (Ramírez) who returns to her hometown in the enigmatic Chiloé archipelago to investigate the disappearance of a Mexican archaeology student.

There, she must determine whether the case is a kidnapping or, against all logic, connected to the mythical Friendship Island. According to reports, numerous disappearances, unexplained healings and extraterrestrial activity have occurred there, the synopsis goes. “We want to tell a story that explores global issues, such as imagining life beyond Earth, the end of a cycle in humanity with the emergence of artificial intelligence, while also incorporating the rich cultural identity and mythology unique to southern Chile,” said producer/showrunner Pablo Díaz del Rio of Rio Estudios , Chile.

Rodrigo Susarte (“Gen Mishima,” “Invunche”) takes over directing duties from Claudia Huaiquimilla , who has bowed out due to scheduling conflicts. Said Susarte: “We are at the beginning of the end of the world; society is fractured, and there is no .