pro skater Amani Fancy has announced she won't be returning to the rink on the upcoming season of the ITV show. Amani joined Dancing on Ice in 2024 and previously appeared on the German version of the show. In an post, the pair skater said she will be cheering the cast and crew "from the sidelines" when the show returns next year.

"Earlier this year, I made the decision to focus on new opportunities in my career for the foreseeable," Amani captioned a video taken ahead of this year's finale. "It wasn't easy and felt particularly vulnerable saying no to another season of such a wonderful show, but sometimes the hardest choices in life lead to the biggest growth," she continued. "I adored Sundays, sharing my passion for artistry and expression with the world.

I adored the crew, our producers and directors, many of whom have become family. & to all of you, I'm just so grateful for your love throughout last season along with the beautiful memories we made together." Speaking about her future endeavours, Amani teased she's been "quietly working on something new, exciting, extremely testing and challenging".

"I can't wait to share it with you all when the time is right! Stay tuned!" Amani is the latest pro skater to leave the ITV rink behind. Earlier today (October 30), Dancing on Ice mainstays and Brendyn Hatfield announced in separate Instagram posts that the next season will be their last. Meanwhile, the celebrity line-up for season 17 has been unveiled, with the likes of ' , ' .