Ann Wall, a principal dancer with the English Youth Ballet (EYB), will be headlining the much-anticipated production of 'Sleeping Beauty' at the town centre theatre from August 9 to 10. The London-born dancer, who spent most of her youth in Wales, shares her passion for ballet and her experience working with the EYB. Miss Wall said: "Being a principal ballerina with EYB means I get to perform very special roles from the classical ballets, alongside talented groups of children across the UK.

"We rehearse in schools around the country and then we perform full productions of the ballets in beautiful theatres such as The Wycombe Swan." Being appointed principal dancer is not for the faint of heart. It is is a gruelling undertaking, but an exciting one.

She said: "As principals, we are always very busy! When I am not teaching, I am doing my own training and rehearsals. "The EYB principals rehearse during the week in London and every day I take ballet class myself too. I also do supplementary strength training to protect me from injuries and use visualisation to help me prepare mentally for the roles I dance.

"For the teaching, I do lots of planning to adapt and choreograph dances to suit each group of young people, as well as teaching them technique class. There is a lot of preparation that goes on behind the scenes." Assuming the iconic role of Aurora in 'Sleeping Beauty', Miss Wall explained: "Aurora must convey an innocent exuberance as a sixteen year old girl, showing endless .